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Beau Adams
Beau Adams

Ashley Alban CEI For Cum 35

Finally, even if the City may choose not to disclose summaries under 50-a, its interpretation that 50-a leaves them no choice is certainly wrong. Mayor de Blasio has publicly stated that he believes the NYPD should release this information, but is prohibited from doing so under Section 50-a. See Greg B. Smith and Kenneth Lovett, De Blasio Calls on Albany to Nix Law that Hides NYPD Officers' Disciplinary Records; Cop Unions Protest, New York Daily News, Sept. 1, 2016, -york/de-blasio-albany-nixlaw-hiding-nypd-disciplinary-records-article-1.2774161. As he explained: "I believe we should change the state law and make these records public. . . . The current state law that we have to honor--that does not allow for transparency." Id. Thus, our FOIL Request Denial as well as the Mayor's own public assessment of the situation is based on the legal conclusion that Section 50-a prohibits the NYPD from releasing the Orders.

Ashley Alban CEI for Cum 35

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